November 12, 2022
Hi everyone,
First I’d like to thank you all for your support. The election is over and after a hard-fought campaign, we prevailed. The win represents a milestone in our journey; it’s the first step in achieving our goal of reforming Oak Hill City Government. I’m proud to represent you as part of our city commission and honored by your trust and confidence in my ability to do that. On Monday, November 14, 2022, at the 6:00 PM city commissioner’s meeting I will be sworn in; please come and show your support.
Your continued support will be key in achieving our goal. The most effective way to get there is your attendance at the commission meetings to witness how our government operates. Having eyes on the commissioners and being heard makes it difficult for them to vote against the will of the people. For instance, one Item on the agenda for Monday’s 6:00 PM meeting is resolution 2022-21. This resolution seeks to approve procedures for quasi-judicial hearings.
A quasi-judicial hearing typically deals with zoning code, variances, special exceptions, subdivision plats and rezoning to RPUD. As written, the 8-page document seeks to limit the power of citizens to organize and speak out in opposition of proposed development while strengthening the power of the city and developer. The document further seeks to take authority away from the commission and turn it over to the mayor, by designating that certain actions be taken, “subject to the mayor’s approval,” where it should say subject to the approval of the commission (by vote). Anytime an individual, as part of a commission, seeks to consolidate power it undermines the purpose of a commission. Florida Statute 286.0115 represents state law regarding the procedures for these types of hearings. Our city’s proposed resolution 2022-21 fails to meet these standards.
It is imperative that everyone show up at Mondays hearing and show support in opposition to this resolution. We certainly don’t want to surrender our voice to the city and developers. Procedures that follow state laws that apply in quasi-judicial hearings, are good, in that they provide protection to the city from lawsuits and appeals. Adoption of Resolution 2022-21 will weaken the protection provided by state law and will leave the city open to even more legal challenges. Any party who has standing, the city, developer (applicant), and the public, should be given equal time to speak at a hearing and equal time for rebuttal. Why would our city seek to change this long-standing practice? The more eyes we have on the commissioners and city staff, the harder it is for them to push through items like this.
We’ve got our work cut out for us—thank you again for your support!
Thank you
Joe Catigano
Oak Hill City Commissioner
Seat 3