Profound impact to Oak Hill

Profound impact to Oak Hill

Citizen turn out at our commission meetings has been amazing, thank you all for supporting our city. Your participation is essential to its health and well-being and it’s having an impact. Not a whole lot happening to report but what is happening will have a profound influence on the future of Oak Hill.

City Administrator Recruitment

City Administrator Recruitment

Here are the resumes that Ken Parker and Senior Advisors from ICMA, International City/County Management Association consider to be qualified or qualified and recommended to serve as Oak Hill City Administrator. At Monday’s City Commission meeting these candidates will be considered and the pool will be narrowed to those who will be interviewed and undergo background checks. Once completed the candidates will be further parsed or perhaps an offer may be extended to a preferred candidate. The role of a city’s administrator affects the everyday lives of its citizens, everything from flood control to trash pick-up. A wise choice here is critical. Please come to the meeting and participate, your input can help us make better decisions.

Nancy Cummings Park – Follow-Up

Nancy Cummings Park
Floodwater Surrounds the Pumphouse in Nancy Cummings Park

Last Monday, July 17, 2023, I made another visit to Nancy Cummings Park. During the two days prior, our city received typical Florida afternoon thunderstorms with periods of heavy rain. Look how high the water was as it ran over the end of the drainage ditch, around a bulkhead, and flooding the park’s well pumphouse as it traversed south across the park.

The water is intended to travel through pipes buried beneath the lawn.
Click Here to see how our drainage system handled the rainfall. Not only does this photo and video indicate the capacity for this system to mitigate storm water within the park itself, but also shows that this section is blocking the flow and stormwater is backing up as a result. This affects everything north of it and fails to serve the community as intended. This system serves the Nancy Street and Wyatt neighborhood where many homes were damaged from flooding during last year’s hurricane. Nine months ago, in November of 2022, the City Commission voted to approve a contract to replace the pipes.

Here’s an image, of what looks like homeless campers in the vacant lot just 100 feet north of the basketball court at Nancy Cummings Park was taken 7-22-23. This photograph emphasizes the need for the existing fence to encompass the entire park, by including the northern boundary. Without a complete fence the city cannot effectively control the opening and closing, or entrance and exit of the park. Both are essential to the safety of the public and preservation of Oak Hill City property including the restrooms.
The next Oak Hill City Commissioner’s meeting is, July 24, 2023 at city hall. The time is 6:00 PM. The agenda and agenda packet are available by clicking here.

Please come and let your voice be heard. Your presence and participation are how we hold our commission to account.

As always, it’s my pleasure to serve you, I appreciate your support. Please let me know what I can do to help. I’m here to represent you…

Joe Catigano
Oak Hill City Commissioner
Seat 3