Your Right to Speak at a City Meeting

Your Right to Speak at a City Meeting

December 12, 2023

Hi Everyone,

My hope is that everyone is able to spend this holiday season surrounded by the people they love to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Citizen turnout at our commission meetings has been amazing, thank you all for supporting our city. Your participation is essential to its health and well-being and it’s having an impact.

City Christmas Parade

On Saturday, December 9th, 2023, The City of Oak Hill held its annual Christmas Parade. We were blessed with nearly perfect weather; sunny, clear skies and 79 degrees. You couldn’t ask for better conditions. The Mayor, City Commissioners, and city staff also participated in Edgewater’s parade, which kicked off at 10:00 am. The mayor rode in a beautiful white convertible with Mike Armand at the wheel. Charlie Dean was behind the wheel of a brand-new Ford Bronco driving for my wife and me; Vice Mayor Lindlau had his son driving another gorgeous Ford Bronco. These two vehicles were generously provided by Mullinax Ford of New Smyrna Beach. The Edgewater parade route took us through the Florida Shores neighborhood where hundreds of families gathered to take in the sights and sounds – not to mention the candy.

The Oak Hill Parade Started at the intersection of North Putnam Grove and Flamingo Road, in the parking lot of the Bible Way Church. The street was lined with city and county fire trucks. This collection also included an amazing antique engine that the City of New Smyrna Beach graciously provided. Residents from Lighthouse Cove showed up with their golf carts all decked out in various holiday decorations. Assistant City Administrator Erin Anderson did a wonderful job putting the whole thing together, and the community benefited from her effort. Spectators filled Flamingo road as the parade route took us north past the Oak Hill Community Garden and on to West Halifax Avenue. A shout out to Volusia County Sherriff’s office. They did a fantastic job stopping traffic so the parade could proceed safely as we crossed US 1 and on up to the intersection of Halifax and Gaines Street. Mary Dewees Park is where the parade concluded. What a great time.

Your Right to Speak at a City Meeting

During the citizens’ non-agenda items portion of the November 27, City Commission meeting, Neil Bond, from Indian Mound Fish Camp, began speaking about Waste-Pro, and issues related to trash pickup. Mayor Gibson pointed out that Waste-Pro was currently on the agenda to be talked about later in the meeting. Mr. Bond’s response to the mayor was to disclose that he had filled out the city required form to speak at a meeting, but was never given the chance to speak. He said he was concerned about that and didn’t want to risk that happening again, especially about a subject that is so important to the day-to-day operations of the fish camp. The mayor apologized to Mr. Bond and allowed him to proceed.

When Mr. Bond concluded his discussion, I pointed out the disparity between the way Mayor Gibson was treating Mr. Bond and the way our city treated Oak Hill citizen Tim Trott on May 22, 2023. I wish I could provide a link to the November 27th, 2023 commission meeting for you all to see, but the city has not provided me with a copy despite my repeated requests. I have the video of city administrator Kohn Evans shouting “nine more days” in response to Mr. Trott’s inquiry as to why he was not allowed to speak at the city meeting.

Click Here to view the video clip. Mr. Trott had filled out the form required by our city to exercise his right to participate in a public proceeding, and Administrator Evans denied him that right. Click here to view the form Mr. Trott filled out on May 22nd, 2023. As you can see in the video, Mr. Trott is shocked and dismayed at the administrator’s unprofessional behavior as she blurts out some incoherent rambling about nine days and walks away from Mr. Trott and his genuine inquiry as to why he was not allowed to speak as afforded him by state law.

FS 286.0114 provides for Mr. Trott’s right to be heard and his frustration with Administrator Evans’ utter disregard for this right is understandable. I know that if I had been so blatantly denied my right to speak on a subject that concerns me greatly, by an administrator acting in such an unprofessional manner, I would struggle to maintain my composure. In fact, if you watch the video, you will see that after walking away, Administrator Evans comes back at Mr. Trott and challenges him to a fight in the parking lot. I don’t know of any world where her behavior is appropriate. Instead of apologizing and attending to a very real violation of Mr. Trott’s rights, a person representing the City of Oak Hill chooses to threaten the man and posture among her coworkers, the mayor, vice mayor, and city attorney. Her actions suggest that violence is her chosen path, rather than try to fix a problem of her own making. This behavior is reprehensible and the idea that the leadership of our city would not only allow it, but encourage her behavior is incredible.

When I asked Mayor Gibson about the disparity in the way he treats one citizen as opposed to another, his response was to say that Mr. Trott deserved no consideration because he used foul language. As you can hear in the video, Mr. Trott’s response to Administrator Evan’s total disregard for his rights and her total failure as a representative of the City of Oak Hill was to say “good riddance bitch.” While Mr. Trott’s retort was unfortunate, it does not relieve our city from its duty to follow state law.

Threatening a senior citizen with violence is also illegal and never a solution, especially in the context of city government. Not to mention the meeting had already been gaveled out by the mayor when Mr. Trott made his statement. So, the fact remains that Mr. Trott was denied his rights by the city administrator during a city meeting and when he asked why, he was not only ignored but walked away from. Next, he was aggressively approached by the administrator, wildly waiving her arms at him threateningly and challenging him to fight with her in the parking lot. All right in front of our city’s leadership and they not only condoned her behavior but supported and encouraged it.

Just an absolute epic failure on the part of our mayor and city leadership. What does this mean for a citizen seeking the opportunity to speak at a city meeting? That the administrator decides who has the opportunity and not state law? And the leadership of our city is OK with that? Well, hopefully when your turn comes, you’re one of the ones they like….

I believe our city owes Mr. Trott an apology and an invitation to come back to our city meetings. He should be provided with the opportunity to speak just like every citizen. Our city should be grateful that citizens are willing to come forth and offer their input, wisdom, and resources in an effort to benefit our community. Our current leadership sees things differently and chooses to suppress the free expression of ideas. This is an unfortunate tack that is harmful to the health of our community.

City Charter Review

According to the agenda for Monday’s commission meeting, The city is continuing to receive applications from citizens wishing to becoming part of our city’s charter review committee. If you’re interested in participating you should fill out the advisory board application posted on the city’s website. Click here for a copy. The purpose of the committee is to conduct a review of our charter and recommend changes. Our current charter was passed on November 2, 2014 and is to be reviewed every ten years. The charter review committee must comprise at least five members appointed by the commission. For more information or directions on how to submit your completed application please come to Monday’s meeting or contact our City Administrator Jerome Adams at (386) 345-3522 or by email

Storm Water Plan

Click here to view the Oak Hill Stormwater Master Plan. Our city engineers, Mead & Hunt have finally finished with this long-awaited document. There will be more about this in a later newsletter.

The Gaines Street Gang

Some residents of North Gaines Street received notice from the city that Garden Street Communities has submitted a request for a Public Hearing of their Preliminary Development Plan. Click here to view the notice. The meeting, with the PLDRC board, is scheduled for Thursday, December 21st, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at the City Hall. I urge everyone to attend this meeting. I know the timing is inconvenient, most likely by design, but despite the damper this throws onto your holiday plans, it is critical that your eyes are open, and your voice is heard.


Our City Commissioner’s meeting is Monday, December 11, 2023 at city hall. The time is 6:00 PM. Click here for the agenda pack.

Please come and let your voice be heard. Your presence and participation is how we hold our commission to account.

As always, it’s my pleasure to serve you. I appreciate your support. Please let me know what I can do to help. I’m here to represent you…

Thanks again,

Joe Catigano
Oak Hill City Commissioner
Seat 3

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