New Sewer System is Ready

New Sewer System is Ready

February 25, 2024
Hi Everyone,
I hope you all are doing well and somehow managing to thrive despite the challenges that life throws our way. Remember, God, family, loved ones, and friends, help to provide stability from which strength can be drawn. Your turnout at our commission meetings has been amazing; thank you all for supporting your community. Participation is essential to the health and well-being of our city and it’s having an impact. 

Indian Harbor Estates Sewer Project

Good news for the residents of Indian Harbor Estates! The City of Oak Hill has sent out a letter notifying them that the newly installed sewer system is ready for residents to connect. This long awaited milestone is welcome news, especially to residents that have built new homes but had no way to shower or use the bathroom. The letter also includes information about the requirements that must be met to receive partial reimbursement for the cost of connection.
Included with the letter was a “guide to assist you” through the process of connecting to the sewer system. Click here to review the guide. 

River Road Water and Sewer

This week the county started running a water line down River Road, south of the Goodrich Seafood Restaurant. The line is also being extended into the old Lefil’s fish camp peninsular. I believe this project will extend all the way to Halifax and U.S. 1. I asked one of the county workers if the black pipe they were working with was the sewer line and he said it was for water. I guess the sewer line will soon follow. Be careful when driving in that area – men at work… 

City Charter Review

The charter review committee has had two meetings so far and has voted to make Ricky Taylor the Chairman and Derwyn Smothers Vice Chairman. There are 9 members of the committee including the chairman and Vice Chair: Dru Anne Welch, Carrie Werning, Tom Pentz, Ron Engele, Charlie Dean, Cydney Regan, Daryl Cummings.

Ken Parker provided the commission and the charter review committee with a list of questions to consider as they perform their review.
At the first meeting a Vote for Chairperson was held. Ricky Taylor and Derwyn Smothers were the nominees. The vote was 5 for Ricky Taylor and 2 votes for Derwin Smothers.
Click here to view a schedule of meetings and milestones pertaining to the charter review process. Looks like the review committee meetings will be held every Wednesday at 3:00 PM from now until June, 19, 2024. 

Oak Hill Community Garden

The Oak Hill City Commission voted unanimously to approve building a 20’ X40’ pole barn at the Oak Hill Community Garden. The community Garden has done a great job raising all the money necessary to build it. The amenity will feature picnic tables and will be used to host educational workshops featuring master gardeners, arborists, and other agricultural experts. 

Nancy Cummings Park

Nancy Cummings park is finally getting some attention this week. The automatic door locks on the bathrooms are finally installed and working well. What a relief (pun intended) for those visiting! Many of the old picnic tables have been replaced with newer ones. This makes a nice clean place for families to meet, get some fresh air and enjoy each other’s company. The playground equipment was also cleaned and looks much better.

Back on July 10th of 2023, the city commission had voted to approve funding in the amount of $59,999 to purchase new playground equipment for this park. Click Here to view the agenda for that meeting. The item appears under M. Boards and Committees. Click here to view the agenda pack for that meeting the winning bid is on page 14. I wonder what ever happened to that new playground equipment or if it was ever ordered? Probably in that memory hole that the drain pipes we approved funding for back in November of 2022 is in. 

Ditch Cleaning at Halifax and Gaines Street

Looks like the county is continuing to clean out our storm water ditches. This welcome piece of equipment can be seen from the road on Gaines Street, working just behind the Baptist Church. Now if we can get the pipes under Halifax replaced, we’ll be that much closer to a functional stormwater system. Those pipes have either become full of sand or collapsed.
Our City Commissioner’s meeting is Monday, February 26, 2024 at city hall. The time is 6:00 PMClick here for the agenda pack.
Please come and let your voice be heard. Your presence and participation are how we hold our commission to account.
As always, it’s my pleasure to serve you, I appreciate your support. Please let me know what I can do to help. I’m here to represent you…
Thanks again,

Joe Catigano
Oak Hill City Commissioner
Seat 3