Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness

May 11, 2024

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all are doing well. Wow has it been dry out there. Please be careful with fire and other sources of ignition when you’re outside. We don’t want a repeat of the 1998 wildfires that devastated our state. Click here to learn more.

Your turnout at our commission meetings has been amazing, thank you all for supporting your community. Participation is essential to the health and well-being of our city and it’s having an impact.

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Season is almost upon us. Click here for more information about how you and your family can prepare in advance for a storm and understand the risks they may present. Hurricane preparedness week is May 5-11, 2024. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has a complete list of actions you should take, and how to understand forecast information. Click here to view that list.

The main takeaway from the presentation they present is to prepare in advance. Use the time you have before the season begins to develop a plan and gather the provisions you need before a storm is threatening your area.

City Charter Review

A special meeting has been scheduled for 5:00 PM, Monday May 13, 2024 at City Hall. Click here to view the agenda. The Charter Review Committee chairperson will present changes proposed by the committee, to the city commission for their consideration. Click here to view the current draft and changes proposed. The commission can agree or disagree with the changes that are presented and propose their own amendments.

The entire process will require two public meetings where the public has an opportunity to give the commission input which they can use as guidance when they cast their vote on whether to adopt or reject the amended charter. Somewhere along in this process, the city attorney will review the amended charter for legal form. After all this is completed, the amended charter will be sent to the Supervisor of elections for inclusion on the November 2024 ballot.

Upcoming Events

Memorial Day Service – Saints and Sinners Cemetery.

The Oak Hill Saints and Sinner’s Cemetery Group will be holding it’s Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 27. 2024, at 11:00 AM. The American Legion Post 285 Honor Guard and Chaplain will present the service. The Legion will present each veteran grave with a flag; there will also be a 21-gun salute in honor of the sacrifice these veterans made to give us freedom. If you have any questions, please call Spence Youman at (904) 517-0555 or Dru Ann Welch at (386) 689-4786.

Oak Hill Community Garden

Would you like to have you or your family’s name on a placard affixed to a picnic table at the Community Garden? A donation of $100 or more to them will get you just that. A beautiful wooden picnic table purchased through The Home Depot and adorned with your name will be assembled and placed under the new Pole Barn at the garden. For more information contact Dana Greatrex at (386) 405-8261 or send her an email at To view the latest newsletter from the community garden click here.


Our City Commissioner’s meeting is Monday, May 13, 2024 at city hall. The time is 6:00 PM. Click here for the agenda pack.

Please come and let your voice be heard. Your presence and participation are how we hold our commission to account.

As always, it’s my pleasure to serve you, I appreciate your support. Please let me know what I can do to help. I’m here to represent you…

Thanks again,

Joe Catigano
Oak Hill City Commissioner
Seat 3